RDS_EN– tag –
Two Authentication Methods for RDS Proxy – Password / IAM
【Two Authentication Methods for RDS Proxy】 The following page shows how to access RDS from Lambda through RDS Proxy. https://awstut.com/en/2022/04/23/connect-to-rds-from-lambda-in-vpc-via-rds-proxy-en In the above page, we chose passwo... -
Connect to RDS from Lambda in VPC via RDS Proxy
【Connect to RDS from Lambda in VPC via RDS Proxy】 Consider a configuration where Lambda is deployed in a VPC and connects to RDS.When accessing RDS from Lambda, it is best practice to connect via RDS Proxy rather than directly. Many ap... -
Read Replica and Endpoints of Aurora Cluster
【Read Replica and Endpoints of Aurora Cluster】 This course is about designing a high-performance architecture, which is one of the topics covered by AWS SAA.We will create an Aurora read replica and check the behavior of the Aurora end... -
Amazon Linux 2 How to Connect to RDS – ALL Engines
【How to connect to all RDS DB engines from Amazon Linux 2】 As of 2022, RDS offers the following seven DB engines aurora(PostgreSQL) aurora(MySQL) PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB Oracle Microsoft SQL Server In this article, we will check how t... -
Checking RDS connection behavior by security group pattern
【Configure to check security group for RDS】 Check the security group to be applied to RDS. When accessing RDS from EC2, the key point is the security group; just like EC2 instances, you can apply security groups to RDS as well. Securit...