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S3 content delivery via CloudFront – Referer hreader ver
【Restricting access to origin with Referer header when delivering S3 content from CloudFront】 The following page shows how to deliver content from an S3 bucket with static website hosting enabled via CloudFront. https://awstut.com/en/2... -
S3 content delivery via CloudFront – Static website hosting ver
【Delivering S3 Content via CloudFront】 CloudFront, a CDN service, can be used to deliver content placed in S3 buckets.This time, we will enable the static website hosting feature and target publicly accessible S3 buckets. The use of an... -
Create and Delete S3 Object by CFN Custom Resource
【How to create/delete S3 objects during stack creation/deletion with CloudFormation custom resources】 CloudFormation custom resources can perform any action during stack operations (create, update, delete). In this case, we will use a ... -
Change Permission for Guest/Sign-in users in Cognito ID Pool
【Change Permission for Guest/Sign-in users in Cognito ID Pool】 The Cognito ID pool can generate temporary credentials for unauthenticated guest users in addition to authenticated users.In this case, we will check a configuration that g... -
5 patterns of OAuth scopes for Cognito User Pool
【5 patterns of OAuth scopes for Cognito User Pool】 By default, the following OAuth scopes can be used to specify the scope of privileges to be granted when configuring the app client for the Cognito user pool. phone email profile openi... -
Authorization by Cognito ID Pool after Authentication by User Pool – Authorization grant code ver
【Authorization by Cognito ID Pool after Authentication by User Pool - Authorization grant code ver】 In the following page, we have confirmed a configuration that uses Cognito user pool and identity pool, and OAuth flow grants the signe... -
Using AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 in Browser
【Using AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 in Browser】 When developing Web applications using AWS, the best practice is to use the AWS SDK for JavaScript.The SDK is available in two versions: v2 and v3.In this article, we will review how to deve... -
Read Replica and Endpoints of Aurora Cluster
【Read Replica and Endpoints of Aurora Cluster】 This course is about designing a high-performance architecture, which is one of the topics covered by AWS SAA.We will create an Aurora read replica and check the behavior of the Aurora end... -
Create yum Repository in S3 and Access from Private Subnet
【Accessing original yum repository on S3 from Amazon Linux 2 in a private subnet】 For Amazon Linux (2), yum can be run from a private subnet by referencing an Amazon Linux repositories built on an S3 bucket. Amazon Linux repositories a... -
On SSL between ALB and EC2 using Self-Signed Certificate
【Configuring SSL not only between Client and ALB, but also between ALB and EC2】 In the following page, we introduced a configuration that uses an ACM certificate to SSL the communication from the Internet to the ALB. https://awstut.com...