RDS Proxy_EN– tag –
Each time a message is added to the SQS queue, it is read by Lambda and written to RDS via RDS Proxy
【Each time a message is added to the SQS queue, it is read by Lambda and written to RDS via RDS Proxy】 The following official AWS page introduces a configuration that combines SQS, Lambda, and RDS. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS... -
Connect to RDS outside of Lambda handler method to improve performance
【Connecting to RDS inside and outside of Lambda function handler methods to measure performance】 This section is about refactoring, which is the scope of the AWS DBA. One of the best practices for connecting to RDS from a Lambda functi... -
Two Authentication Methods for RDS Proxy – Password / IAM
【Two Authentication Methods for RDS Proxy】 The following page shows how to access RDS from Lambda through RDS Proxy. https://awstut.com/en/2022/04/23/connect-to-rds-from-lambda-in-vpc-via-rds-proxy-en In the above page, we chose passwo... -
Connect to RDS from Lambda in VPC via RDS Proxy
【Connect to RDS from Lambda in VPC via RDS Proxy】 Consider a configuration where Lambda is deployed in a VPC and connects to RDS.When accessing RDS from Lambda, it is best practice to connect via RDS Proxy rather than directly. Many ap...