March 2022– date –
Using AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 in Browser
【Using AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 in Browser】 When developing Web applications using AWS, the best practice is to use the AWS SDK for JavaScript.The SDK is available in two versions: v2 and v3.In this article, we will review how to deve... -
Read Replica and Endpoints of Aurora Cluster
【Read Replica and Endpoints of Aurora Cluster】 This course is about designing a high-performance architecture, which is one of the topics covered by AWS SAA.We will create an Aurora read replica and check the behavior of the Aurora end... -
Amazon Linux 2 How to Connect to RDS – ALL Engines
【How to connect to all RDS DB engines from Amazon Linux 2】 As of 2022, RDS offers the following seven DB engines aurora(PostgreSQL) aurora(MySQL) PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB Oracle Microsoft SQL Server In this article, we will check how t... -
Create yum Repository in S3 and Access from Private Subnet
【Accessing original yum repository on S3 from Amazon Linux 2 in a private subnet】 For Amazon Linux (2), yum can be run from a private subnet by referencing an Amazon Linux repositories built on an S3 bucket. Amazon Linux repositories a... -
Improved Origin Server Performance with CloudFront Cache
【Configuration using CloudFront cache to reduce number of requests to origin server】 This is one of the topics covered in AWS SAA, which is about designing a high-performance architecture.CloudFront is placed in front of the origin ser... -
Serverless App using DynamoDB built with SAM
【Building Serverless Apps using DynamoDB built with SAM】 This course is about deployment, which is one of the topics covered by AWS DVA.Find out how to create a serverless app using AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model). The following... -
EC2 Auto Scaling Scheduled Actions
【EC2 Auto Scaling configuration with scheduled when to scale】 This is one of the AWS SAA questions related to the design of a high-performance architecture.Scheduling Auto Scaling actions to handle anticipated high traffic will lead to... -
Scaling based on custom metrics (memory) – Linux
【Configuration of EC2 Auto Scaling to scale based on custom metrics】 The following page introduced a configuration that scales based on predefined metrics.