Email notifications via SNS when resources are changed using AWS Config

Email notifications via SNS when resources are changed using AWS Config

The following page shows you how to use AWS Config to check the change history of a resource.

In this article, we will check how to notify an email via SNS when a resource is changed.


Diagram of email notifications via SNS when resources are changed using AWS Config

The configuration is generally the same as in the page introduced at the beginning of this article.

Create an S3 bucket as a target to monitor the change history in AWS Config.

Associate an SNS topic with AWS Config and configure it to send an email notification each time a resource change occurs.

CloudFormation template files

Build the above configuration with CloudFormation.
The CloudFormation templates are located at the following URL

awstut-fa/101 at main · awstut-an-r/awstut-fa
Contribute to awstut-an-r/awstut-fa development by creating an account on GitHub.

Explanation of key points of the template files

Basically the same as the page introduced at the beginning of this document.

This page focuses on the contents related to email notifications.

SNS Topics

    Type: AWS::SNS::Topic
        - Endpoint: !Ref MailAddress
          Protocol: email
      TopicName: !Ref Prefix
Code language: YAML (yaml)

Create an SNS topic and specify your email address as the subscriber.

For more information, please see the following page

AWS Config

    Type: AWS::Config::DeliveryChannel
      Name: !Sub "${Prefix}-DeliveryChannel"
      S3BucketName: !Ref ConfigBucket
      SnsTopicARN: !Ref TopicArn
Code language: YAML (yaml)

In the SnsTopicARN property, specify the ARN of the SNS topic you defined earlier for the delivery channel.

Check AWS Config regarding access rights.

    Type: AWS::Config::ConfigurationRecorder
      Name: !Sub "${Prefix}-ConfigurationRecorder"
        AllSupported: false
        IncludeGlobalResourceTypes: false
          - AWS::S3::Bucket
      RoleARN: !GetAtt ConfigRole.Arn

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
    DeletionPolicy: Delete
        Version: 2012-10-17
          - Effect: Allow
            Action: sts:AssumeRole
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWS_ConfigRole
        - PolicyName: SNSPublishPolicy
            Version: 2012-10-17
              - Effect: Allow
                  - sns:Publish
                  - !Ref TopicArn
Code language: YAML (yaml)

In order to be notified of changes via SNS, you must have permission to publish messages to SNS topics (sns:Publish).
The page introduced at the beginning of this article used a Service Linked Role (SLR), but this role does not allow this action.
So we will prepare a role based on the AWS management policy AWS_ConfigRole, with sns:Publish added as an inline policy.
Specify this role to the AWS Config configuration recorder.

(Reference) S3 bucket

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
      BucketName: !Sub "${Prefix}-encryption-enabled"
      AccessControl: Private
          - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault:
              SSEAlgorithm: AES256
Code language: YAML (yaml)

Prepare an S3 bucket as a verification resource.
Enable SSE.


Use CloudFormation to build this environment and verify actual behavior.

Create CloudFormation stacks and verify resources in stacks

Create CloudFormation stacks.
For information on how to create stacks and check each stack, please refer to the following page

After checking the resources in each stack, information on the main resources created this time is as follows

  • SNS topic: fa-101
  • Bucket for verification: fa-101-encryption-enabled

Authentication of email address

If an e-mail address is specified as a subscriber to an SNS topic, the e-mail address must be authenticated.
The following authentication email will be sent to the specified email address.

Detail of SNS 1

Click “Confirm subscription” to proceed with the authentication.

Detail of SNS 2

The above page will appear, indicating that the authentication has been completed.

Resource Confirmation

Check each resource from the AWS Management Console.
First, check the SNS topic.

Detail of SNS 3
Detail of SNS 4

You can see that the SNS topic has been successfully created.

In addition, you can see that the email address you specified as a subscriber has been registered.
The Status value of the email address is “Confirmed,” indicating that the authentication has been completed.

Check the AWS Config settings.

Detail of AWS Config 1

Looking at the SNS topic name in the Delivery method, the aforementioned SNS topic name can be confirmed.
Indeed, the SNS is associated with AWS Config.

Check the S3 bucket for verification.

Detail of S3 1

The S3 bucket is successfully created.
In particular, the Default encryption item shows that encryption is enabled.

Checking Operation

Now that everything is ready, checking the Operation.

Resource Creation

When the S3 bucket was created as described above, the following e-mail was sent to the e-mail address specified in the SNS topic.
The following image is a part of it.

Detail of SNS 5

The following is a sample of the data.

	"configurationItemDiff": {
		"changedProperties": {},
		"changeType": "CREATE"
	"configurationItem": {
		"relatedEvents": [],
		"relationships": [],
		"configuration": {
			"name": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
			"owner": {
				"displayName": null,
				"id": "cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa"
			"creationDate": "2022-11-24T12:36:41.000Z"
		"supplementaryConfiguration": {
			"AccessControlList": "{\"grantSet\":null,\"grantList\":[{\"grantee\":{\"id\":\"cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa\",\"displayName\":null},\"permission\":\"FullControl\"}],\"owner\":{\"displayName\":null,\"id\":\"cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa\"},\"isRequesterCharged\":false}",
			"BucketAccelerateConfiguration": {
				"status": null
			"BucketLoggingConfiguration": {
				"destinationBucketName": null,
				"logFilePrefix": null
			"BucketNotificationConfiguration": {
				"configurations": {}
			"BucketPolicy": {
				"policyText": null
			"BucketTaggingConfiguration": {
				"tagSets": [
						"tags": {
							"aws:cloudformation:stack-id": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:[account-id]:stack/fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M/a1deaa30-6bf4-11ed-bbbe-0efc92e64d09",
							"aws:cloudformation:stack-name": "fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M",
							"aws:cloudformation:logical-id": "Bucket"
			"BucketVersioningConfiguration": {
				"status": "Off",
				"isMfaDeleteEnabled": null
			"IsRequesterPaysEnabled": false,
			"ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration": {
				"rules": [
						"applyServerSideEncryptionByDefault": {
							"sseAlgorithm": "AES256",
							"kmsMasterKeyID": null
						"bucketKeyEnabled": false
		"tags": {
			"aws:cloudformation:stack-name": "fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M",
			"aws:cloudformation:logical-id": "Bucket",
			"aws:cloudformation:stack-id": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:[account-id]:stack/fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M/a1deaa30-6bf4-11ed-bbbe-0efc92e64d09"
		"configurationItemVersion": "1.3",
		"configurationItemCaptureTime": "2022-11-24T12:38:50.768Z",
		"configurationStateId": 1669293530768,
		"awsAccountId": "[account-id]",
		"configurationItemStatus": "ResourceDiscovered",
		"resourceType": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
		"resourceId": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"resourceName": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"ARN": "arn:aws:s3:::fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"awsRegion": "ap-northeast-1",
		"availabilityZone": "Regional",
		"configurationStateMd5Hash": "",
		"resourceCreationTime": "2022-11-24T12:36:41.000Z"
	"notificationCreationTime": "2022-11-24T12:38:50.832Z",
	"messageType": "ConfigurationItemChangeNotification",
	"recordVersion": "1.3"
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

The status of S3 bucket creation can be read.

You will also see the history of resource changes by AWS Config.

Detail of AWS Config 2

You can see that bucket creation (CreateBucket)) and encryption settings (PutBucketEncryption) were executed.

Changing Resource Settings

Next, we will change the settings of the S3 bucket and check the behavior of the bucket.
Specifically, disable bucket encryption.

Detail of S3 2

After waiting for a while, we received the following email.

Detail of SNS 6

Here is the full contents

	"configurationItemDiff": {
		"changedProperties": {
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration": {
				"previousValue": {
					"rules": [
							"applyServerSideEncryptionByDefault": {
								"sseAlgorithm": "AES256",
								"kmsMasterKeyID": null
							"bucketKeyEnabled": false
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
		"changeType": "UPDATE"
	"configurationItem": {
		"relatedEvents": [],
		"relationships": [],
		"configuration": {
			"name": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
			"owner": {
				"displayName": null,
				"id": "cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa"
			"creationDate": "2022-11-24T12:36:41.000Z"
		"supplementaryConfiguration": {
			"AccessControlList": "{\"grantSet\":null,\"grantList\":[{\"grantee\":{\"id\":\"cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa\",\"displayName\":null},\"permission\":\"FullControl\"}],\"owner\":{\"displayName\":null,\"id\":\"cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa\"},\"isRequesterCharged\":false}",
			"BucketAccelerateConfiguration": {
				"status": null
			"BucketLoggingConfiguration": {
				"destinationBucketName": null,
				"logFilePrefix": null
			"BucketNotificationConfiguration": {
				"configurations": {}
			"BucketPolicy": {
				"policyText": null
			"BucketTaggingConfiguration": {
				"tagSets": [
						"tags": {
							"aws:cloudformation:stack-id": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:[account-id]:stack/fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M/a1deaa30-6bf4-11ed-bbbe-0efc92e64d09",
							"aws:cloudformation:stack-name": "fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M",
							"aws:cloudformation:logical-id": "Bucket"
			"BucketVersioningConfiguration": {
				"status": "Off",
				"isMfaDeleteEnabled": null
			"IsRequesterPaysEnabled": false
		"tags": {
			"aws:cloudformation:stack-name": "fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M",
			"aws:cloudformation:logical-id": "Bucket",
			"aws:cloudformation:stack-id": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:[account-id]:stack/fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M/a1deaa30-6bf4-11ed-bbbe-0efc92e64d09"
		"configurationItemVersion": "1.3",
		"configurationItemCaptureTime": "2022-11-24T12:47:31.787Z",
		"configurationStateId": 1669294051787,
		"awsAccountId": "[account-id]",
		"configurationItemStatus": "OK",
		"resourceType": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
		"resourceId": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"resourceName": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"ARN": "arn:aws:s3:::fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"awsRegion": "ap-northeast-1",
		"availabilityZone": "Regional",
		"configurationStateMd5Hash": "",
		"resourceCreationTime": "2022-11-24T12:36:41.000Z"
	"notificationCreationTime": "2022-11-24T12:47:31.828Z",
	"messageType": "ConfigurationItemChangeNotification",
	"recordVersion": "1.3"
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

You can see that the update has removed settings related to encryption.

We also check the history of changes made to the resource by AWS Config.

Detail of AWS Config 3

We can see that the encryption settings have been deleted (DeleteBucketEncryption).

Resource Deletion

After waiting for a while, we received the following email.

Detail of S3 3

The following is the full contents

	"configurationItemDiff": {
		"changedProperties": {
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.BucketAccelerateConfiguration": {
				"previousValue": {
					"status": null
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"Tags.1": {
				"previousValue": "Bucket",
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"Tags.2": {
				"previousValue": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:[account-id]:stack/fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M/a1deaa30-6bf4-11ed-bbbe-0efc92e64d09",
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"Configuration": {
				"previousValue": {
					"name": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
					"owner": {
						"displayName": null,
						"id": "cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa"
					"creationDate": "2022-11-24T12:36:41.000Z"
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.IsRequesterPaysEnabled": {
				"previousValue": false,
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"Tags.0": {
				"previousValue": "fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M",
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.BucketLoggingConfiguration": {
				"previousValue": {
					"destinationBucketName": null,
					"logFilePrefix": null
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.BucketTaggingConfiguration": {
				"previousValue": {
					"tagSets": [
							"tags": {
								"aws:cloudformation:stack-id": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-northeast-1:[account-id]:stack/fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M/a1deaa30-6bf4-11ed-bbbe-0efc92e64d09",
								"aws:cloudformation:stack-name": "fa-101-S3Stack2-15643EG8FNO7M",
								"aws:cloudformation:logical-id": "Bucket"
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.BucketPolicy": {
				"previousValue": {
					"policyText": null
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.BucketNotificationConfiguration": {
				"previousValue": {
					"configurations": {}
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.AccessControlList": {
				"previousValue": "{\"grantSet\":null,\"grantList\":[{\"grantee\":{\"id\":\"cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa\",\"displayName\":null},\"permission\":\"FullControl\"}],\"owner\":{\"displayName\":null,\"id\":\"cd3b764ff044236dfe910b663c273b1f98dd3299f4d524a32909f70581c332fa\"},\"isRequesterCharged\":false}",
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
			"SupplementaryConfiguration.BucketVersioningConfiguration": {
				"previousValue": {
					"status": "Off",
					"isMfaDeleteEnabled": null
				"updatedValue": null,
				"changeType": "DELETE"
		"changeType": "DELETE"
	"configurationItem": {
		"relatedEvents": [],
		"relationships": [],
		"configuration": null,
		"supplementaryConfiguration": {},
		"tags": {},
		"configurationItemVersion": "1.3",
		"configurationItemCaptureTime": "2022-11-24T12:58:58.374Z",
		"configurationStateId": 1669294738374,
		"awsAccountId": "[account-id]",
		"configurationItemStatus": "ResourceDeleted",
		"resourceType": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
		"resourceId": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"resourceName": "fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"ARN": "arn:aws:s3:::fa-101-encryption-enabled",
		"awsRegion": "ap-northeast-1",
		"availabilityZone": null,
		"configurationStateMd5Hash": "",
		"resourceCreationTime": null
	"notificationCreationTime": "2022-11-24T12:58:58.422Z",
	"messageType": "ConfigurationItemChangeNotification",
	"recordVersion": "1.3"
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

You can see that the bucket has been deleted.

We also check the history of resource changes by AWS Config.

Detail of AWS Config 4

You can see that the bucket deletion (DeleteBucket) was executed.

By associating SNS with AWS Config, you can be notified by e-mail when a resource is changed.


We have confirmed how to send email notifications via SNS when a resource is changed.
