2023– date –
Use CFNs WaitCondition to wait for the Lambda deploy package to build
【Use CFNs WaitCondition to wait for the Lambda deploy package to build】 Consider creating a Lambda function using CloudFormation. As described in the following pages, there are three patterns for creating functions. https://awstut.com/... -
Encrypting an RDS DB instance – Step Functions version
【Encrypting an RDS DB instance - Step Functions version】 Consider how to encrypt an unencrypted RDS DB instance. The AWS official explanation is as follows You can only encrypt an Amazon RDS DB instance when you create it, not after th... -
Loop in Step Functions until the condition is satisfied
【Loop in Step Functions until the condition is satisfied】 The following pages cover conditional branching (Choice) in Step Functions. https://awstut.com/en/2022/11/26/step-functions-conditional-branching-using-choice-state-en This time... -
Mix on-demand/spot instances in EC2 Auto Scaling Group
【Mix on-demand/spot instances in EC2 Auto Scaling Group】 The following text describes techniques to lower AWS costs. AWSコスト最適化ガイドブック One of the methods introduced is spot instances. スポットインスタンスは、単体のAmazonEC2イ... -
Three ways to start/stop EC2 instances periodically
【Three ways to start/stop EC2 instances periodically】 Consider how to start/stop EC2 instances periodically. The first is to use EventBridge to periodically invoke Lambda functions for instance start/stop. This method is called "Instan... -
Aurora Serverless v2 creation using CloudFormation
【Aurora Serverless v2 creation using CloudFormation】 In the following pages, we have shown you how to create Aurora Serverless v1 using CloudFormation. https://awstut.com/en/2022/07/02/aurora-serverless-with-cfn-en It was announced tha... -
Introduction to SQS FIFO Queues
【Introduction to SQS FIFO Queues】 SQS has two types of queues, and we will touch on the FIFO queue. FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queues have all the capabilities of the standard queues, but are designed to enhance messaging between applic... -
Use TaskCat to automate testing of CloudFormation templates
【Use TaskCat to automate testing of CloudFormation templates】 The following official AWS page introduces a method for automating the testing of CloudFormation templates. https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/implementations/taskcat-ci/?nc1=... -
Backup to S3 every time you push to CodeCommit
【Backup to S3 every time you push to CodeCommit】 The following official AWS page shows how to backup CodeCommit contents to S3. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/prescriptive-guidance/latest/patterns/automate-event-driven-backups-from-codeco... -
Introduction to CloudFormation StackSets
【Introduction to CloudFormation StackSets】 This page covers AWS StackSets. AWS CloudFormation StackSets extends the capability of stacks by enabling you to create, update, or delete stacks across multiple accounts and AWS Regions with ...