API Gateway


AWS WAF String Inspection – Headers/QueryString/Body/Cookies

Introduce the WAF string inspection feature using CloudFormation.

Storing session data from web apps created with API Gateway and Lambda in DynamoDB

Learn how to use CloudFormation to store session information for web apps created with API Gateway and Lambda in DynamoDB.

Apply WAF Web ACL to API Gateway

This is a configuration for applying WAF Web ACL to API Gateway using CloudFormation.

Create REST API type API Gateway using CFN

Learn how to build a REST API type API Gateway using CloudFormation.

Two Authentication Methods for RDS Proxy – Password / IAM

Using CloudFormation, we will explain the two authentication methods (Password/IAM) for RDS Proxy.

Connect to RDS from Lambda in VPC via RDS Proxy

Using CloudFormation, here is a configuration to connect from Lambda in the VPC to RDS via RDS Proxy.

Serverless App using DynamoDB built with SAM

Learn how to build serverless app with DynamoDB by SAM.

Serverless apps using SAM

Learn how to use SAM to create a serverless application with API Gateway and Lambda.

Serverless apps using Lambda and API Gateway – HTTP API

Learn how to use CloudFormation to create a serverless application with API Gateway and Lambda.