EventBridge_EN– tag –
Using Image Builder to create an AMI for WordPress
【Using Image Builder to create an AMI for Wordpress】 The following pages discuss the Image Builder. https://awstut.com/en/2023/10/28/introduction-to-ec2-image-builder-using-cloudformation-en In this page, we will create an AMI for Word... -
Introduction to EC2 Image Builder using CloudFormation
【Introduction to EC2 Image Builder using CloudFormation】 This page covers the EC2 Image Builder. Image Builder significantly reduces the effort of keeping images up-to-date and secure by providing a simple graphical interface, built-in... -
Use CFNs WaitCondition to wait for the Lambda deploy package to build
【Use CFNs WaitCondition to wait for the Lambda deploy package to build】 Consider creating a Lambda function using CloudFormation. As described in the following pages, there are three patterns for creating functions. https://awstut.com/... -
Three ways to start/stop EC2 instances periodically
【Three ways to start/stop EC2 instances periodically】 Consider how to start/stop EC2 instances periodically. The first is to use EventBridge to periodically invoke Lambda functions for instance start/stop. This method is called "Instan... -
Backup to S3 every time you push to CodeCommit
【Backup to S3 every time you push to CodeCommit】 The following official AWS page shows how to backup CodeCommit contents to S3. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/prescriptive-guidance/latest/patterns/automate-event-driven-backups-from-codeco... -
Enable Lambda Insight using CloudFormation
【Enable Lambda Insight using CloudFormation】 The content is related to monitoring and troubleshooting, which is also part of the scope of the AWS DVA. One of the features provided by Lambda and CloudWatch is Lambda Insights. CloudWatch... -
Set threshold values for CloudWatch custom metrics and email notification via SNS
【Set threshold values for CloudWatch custom metrics and email notification via SNS】 The content is related to monitoring and troubleshooting, which is also part of the scope of the AWS DBA. In the following pages, we have shown how to ... -
Use EventBridge and Lambda to deliver CloudWatch custom metrics on a regular basis
【Use EventBridge and Lambda to deliver CloudWatch custom metrics on a regular basis】 There are two ways to push custom metrics to CloudWatch you can push custom metrics to CloudWatch using the unified CloudWatch agent or the API. How c... -
Periodically delete old AMIs – SSM Automation runbook version
【Periodically delete old AMIs - SSM Automation runbook version】 In the following pages, we have shown how to use DLM to periodically delete old AMIs. https://awstut.com/en/2023/03/19/introduction-to-data-lifecycle-manager-create-ebs-sn... -
Periodically delete old AMIs – Step Functions version
【Periodically delete old AMIs - Step Functions version】 For periodic acquisition and deletion of AMIs, AWS provides DLM (Data Lifecycle Manager). https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/snapshot-lifecycle.html The following...