2023– date –
Introduction to AWS Service Catalog using CloudFormation
【Introduction to AWS Service Catalog using CloudFormation】 This page covers AWS Service Catalog. Service Catalog allows organizations to centrally manage commonly deployed IT services, and helps organizations achieve consistent governa... -
Set threshold values for CloudWatch custom metrics and email notification via SNS
【Set threshold values for CloudWatch custom metrics and email notification via SNS】 The content is related to monitoring and troubleshooting, which is also part of the scope of the AWS DBA. In the following pages, we have shown how to ... -
Use EventBridge and Lambda to deliver CloudWatch custom metrics on a regular basis
【Use EventBridge and Lambda to deliver CloudWatch custom metrics on a regular basis】 There are two ways to push custom metrics to CloudWatch you can push custom metrics to CloudWatch using the unified CloudWatch agent or the API. How c... -
Automation runbook to create an AMI for an instance and copy it to another region
【Automation runbook to create an AMI for an instance and copy it to another region】 One of the AWS SAA questions is about designing resilient architectures. AMI can be copied to another region. You can copy an Amazon Machine Image (AMI... -
Introduction to FSx for Lustre using CloudFormation
【Introduction to FSx for Lustre using CloudFormation】 FSx for Lustre is one of the managed storage services offered by AWS. FSx for Lustre makes it easy and cost-effective to launch and run the popular, high-performance Lustre file sys... -
Periodically delete old AMIs – SSM Automation runbook version
【Periodically delete old AMIs - SSM Automation runbook version】 In the following pages, we have shown how to use DLM to periodically delete old AMIs. https://awstut.com/en/2023/03/19/introduction-to-data-lifecycle-manager-create-ebs-sn... -
Periodically delete old AMIs – Step Functions version
【Periodically delete old AMIs - Step Functions version】 For periodic acquisition and deletion of AMIs, AWS provides DLM (Data Lifecycle Manager). https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/snapshot-lifecycle.html The following... -
Introduction to Data Lifecycle Manager – Create EBS Snapshot/AMI periodically
【Introduction to Data Lifecycle Manager - Create EBS Snapshot/AMI periodically】 Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) can be used to automate instance and EBS backups. You can use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager to automate the creation, retentio... -
Use EventBridge rule to run SSM Automation runbook periodically
【Use EventBridge rule to run SSM Automation runbook periodically】 On the following pages, we have shown you how to run the SSM Automation runbook. https://awstut.com/en/2023/02/19/create-ami-using-ssm-automation-one-time-scheduled-en T... -
Iteration using Map in Step Functions
【Iterate using the Map state in Step Functions】 The Map state allows for iterative processing. Use the Map state to run a set of workflow steps for each item in a dataset. The Map state's iterations run in parallel, which makes it poss...