AWS Tips


Four Predefined Metrics for EC2 Auto Scaling Target Tracking Policy

Using CloudFormation, we will show you how to configure an EC2 Auto Scaling target tracking policy with four predefined metrics.

Three target types of ALB (Instance, IP, Lambda) and Auto Scaling

Using CloudFormation, confirm the configuration with three types (Instance, IP, Lambda) and Auto Scaling as the target for ALB.

Forwarding traffic to multiple target groups with path-based routing in ALB

Here is a configuration that uses CloudFormation to forward traffic to multiple target groups with path-based routing in ALB.

EC2 Auto Scaling – Target tracking scaling based on CPU utilization

This section introduces a configuration that uses CloudFormation to scale an EC2 Auto Scaling group with a target tracking policy (CPU usage).

On SSL between ALB and EC2 using Self-Signed Certificate

We will show you how to create a self-certificate using the SSM document, and how to configure SSL between ALB and EC2 as well.

Ansible on Private Subnet

Here is a configuration that uses CloudFormation to use Ansible on a private subnet.

On SSL your own domain using ACM Certificate

This section introduces the configuration of using CloudFormation to convert your own domain communication to SSL with an ACM certificate.

Registering ALB to Route 53 and Accessing with Your Own Domain

Let's take a look at how to register an ALB to Route 53 and access it with your own domain using CloudFormation.

Introduction to SQS Data Linkage between Lambdas

Using CloudFormation, as an introduction to SQS, we will create a configuration to data linkage between Lambdas.

3 parterns to create Lambda with CloudFormation (S3/Inline/Container)

Introducing the three parterns (S3/inline/container) for creating Lambda with CloudFormation.