EC2(Linux)_EN– tag –
Protect resource with WAF rate-based rules
【Protecting Resources (CloudFront) with WAF Rate-Based Rules】 This is one of the AWS SOA topics related to networking and content delivery. The WAF Web ACL allows you to define a variety of rules, one of which is a rate-based rule. A r... -
Three ways to extend EBS attached to EC2(Linux/Win)
【Extending Attached EBS】 One of the topics covered in AWS SOA is deployment, provisioning, and automation.We will review how to extend an EBS attached to an EC2 instance. We will review the following three patterns accessing and expand... -
Read Replica and Endpoints of Aurora Cluster
【Read Replica and Endpoints of Aurora Cluster】 This course is about designing a high-performance architecture, which is one of the topics covered by AWS SAA.We will create an Aurora read replica and check the behavior of the Aurora end... -
Amazon Linux 2 How to Connect to RDS – ALL Engines
【How to connect to all RDS DB engines from Amazon Linux 2】 As of 2022, RDS offers the following seven DB engines aurora(PostgreSQL) aurora(MySQL) PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB Oracle Microsoft SQL Server In this article, we will check how t... -
Create yum Repository in S3 and Access from Private Subnet
【Accessing original yum repository on S3 from Amazon Linux 2 in a private subnet】 For Amazon Linux (2), yum can be run from a private subnet by referencing an Amazon Linux repositories built on an S3 bucket. Amazon Linux repositories a... -
Four Predefined Metrics for EC2 Auto Scaling Target Tracking Policy
【Configuration to check scaling based on all predefined metrics】 As an introduction to EC2 Auto Scaling, I have introduced a configuration that scales the number of instances based on CPU utilization in the following page. https://awst... -
Three target types of ALB (Instance, IP, Lambda) and Auto Scaling
【Configuration to check all target types of ALB】 There are three types of resources that can be specified as ALB targets. instanceThe targets are specified by instance ID. ipThe targets are IP addresses. lambdaThe target is a Lambda fu... -
Forwarding traffic to multiple target groups with path-based routing in ALB
【Configuration of ALB for path-based routing】 ALB supports path-based routing. If you have a listener with a default rule that forwards requests to one target group, you can add a rule that forwards requests to another target group bas... -
EC2 Auto Scaling – Target tracking scaling based on CPU utilization
【EC2 Auto Scaling - Target tracking scaling based on CPU utilization】 The following pages cover the basics of EC2 Auto Scaling. This page will revie... -
Attaching multiple ACM certificates to ALB to support multiple domains
【SSL-enabled multi-domain configuration】 This topic is related to security and compliance, one of the AWS SOA questions, and confirms that multiple ACM certificates can be attached to the ELB. The goal is to create a configuration for ...