SSM State Manager_EN– tag –
Demonstrate AWS IoT Device Client MQTT message communication using a Raspberry Pi registered with Systems Manager
【Demonstrate AWS IoT Device Client MQTT message communication using a Raspberry Pi registered with Systems Manager】 The following page shows how to install the AWS IoT Device Client on a Raspberry Pi. -
Install the AWS IoT Device Client on the Raspberry Pi registered in Systems Manager
【Install the AWS IoT Device Client on the Raspberry Pi registered in Systems Manager】 This page describes the AWS IoT Device Client. The AWS IoT Device Client is free, open-source, modular software written in C++ that you can compile a... -
After setting up the Raspberry Pi, register it in Systems Manager and run commands from AWS
【After setting up the Raspberry Pi, register it in Systems Manager and run commands from AWS】 AWS Systems Manager can manage not only EC2 instances, but also servers in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. -
On SSL between ALB and EC2 using Self-Signed Certificate
【Configuring SSL not only between Client and ALB, but also between ALB and EC2】 In the following page, we introduced a configuration that uses an ACM certificate to SSL the communication from the Internet to the ALB. -
Ansible on Private Subnet
【Configuring instances in private subnet to run AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks document】 In the following page, we have introduced four ways to initialize process on an EC2 instance (Amazon Linux 2). -
Four ways to initialize Linux instance
【Four ways to initialize a Linux instance】 Consider how to perform the initialization process when an EC2 instance is started. We will cover the following four methods of initializing an EC2 instance at build time How to use user data ...