2022– date –
Geographic Restrictions using WAF Web ACL
【Create your own rule groups in WAF Web ACL to restrict geography】 WAF Web ACL allows you to set up rules with various conditions.In this article, we will create our own rule group for geo-restriction to block access from specific coun... -
Introduction to WAF Web ACL with CNF – ALB Ver.
【Creating WAF Web ACL with CloudFormation】 AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) is a security service provided by AWS.WAF consists of several services, but this time, as an introduction to WAF, we will create a Web ACL using CloudFormati... -
AppSync – Data Source: Lambda
【Configuring Lambda as Data Source for AppSync】 AppSync allows you to select a data source from the following services Lambda DynamoDB OpenSearch None HTTP endpoint RDS This time, we will check the configuration with Lambda as the data... -
Introduction to CloudFormation Custom Resources
【Configuration to check behavior of CloudFormation Custom resources】 One of the features of CloudFormation is custom resources. Custom resources enable you to write custom provisioning logic in templates that AWS CloudFormation runs an... -
Introduction to OpenSearch with CFN
【Configuration Getting Started with OpenSearch using CloudFormation】 OpenSearch is a search and analysis suite forked from Elasticsearch.In this introduction, we will build a basic OpenSearch environment using CloudFormation. 【Environ... -
Introduction to AppSync with CFN – Data Source: DynamoDB
【Building AppSync Environment with CloudFormation】 AppSync is one of the managed services provided by AWS that allows you to easily build GraphQL APIs. This page is an introduction to AppSync, so we will build a basic AppSync environme... -
Connect to RDS outside of Lambda handler method to improve performance
【Connecting to RDS inside and outside of Lambda function handler methods to measure performance】 This section is about refactoring, which is the scope of the AWS DBA. One of the best practices for connecting to RDS from a Lambda functi... -
Two Authentication Methods for RDS Proxy – Password / IAM
【Two Authentication Methods for RDS Proxy】 The following page shows how to access RDS from Lambda through RDS Proxy. https://awstut.com/en/2022/04/23/connect-to-rds-from-lambda-in-vpc-via-rds-proxy-en In the above page, we chose passwo... -
Create Lambda layer using CFN
【Creating Lambda Layer using CloudFormation】 This page reviews how to create a Lambda layer in CloudFormation. Lambda layers provide a convenient way to package libraries and other dependencies that you can use with your Lambda functio... -
Lambda Function URL by CFN – Auth Type: NONE
【Creating Lambda Function URL by CloudFormation (NONE version)】 Lambda Function URL was released on April 22, 2022. AWS Lambda is announcing Lambda Function URLs, a new feature that makes it easier to invoke functions through an HTTPS ...