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EC2 Auto Scaling – Simple Scaling based on CPU utilization
【EC2 Auto Scaling - Simple Scaling based on CPU utilization】 The following pages cover the basics of EC2 Auto Scaling. In this page, we will review ... -
Setup Approval Action in CodePipeline
【Setup Approval Action in CodePipeline】 An Approval action can be added to the Codepipeline stage. Once the pipeline advances to the approval stage, it will stop action and wait for manual approval. In this case, we aim to configure th... -
Define action in CodePipeline calls Lambda function to change desired number of Fargate tasks
【Define action in CodePipeline calls Lambda function to change desired number of Fargate tasks】 CodePipeline can be configured with a variety of actions, but this time we will consider calling a Lambda function within the pipeline. Thi... -
Use CodePipeline to build and deploy images to Fargate
【Use CodePipeline to build and deploy images to Fargate】 On the following page, we showed you how to configure a pipeline using CodePipeline to push images to ECR by linking CodeCommit and CodeBuild. -
Enable Container Insights in Fargate and set alarms with traffic
【Enable Container Insights in Fargate and set alarms with traffic】 In the following page, we introduced a configuration for Fargate type ECS that uses CloudWatch alarms to send email notifications when CPU usage exceeds a threshold val... -
Deleting NAT Gateway used only during initial build with CFN custom resource
【Delete resource (NAT gateway) used only for initial build with CFN custom resource】 For example, when creating an ECS, you need to be able to access the Internet if you want to pull images from Dockerhub.If the ECS cluster is set up o... -
Introduction to ElastiCache with CFN – Redis(Cluster Disabled)
【Introduction to ElastiCache (Redis Cluster Disabled) with CloudFormation】 ElastiCache is an in-memory caching service provided by AWS. In this introduction, we will create ElastiCache for Redis (cluster disabled). 【Environment】 We w... -
Initialize RDS DB with CFN Custom Resource
【Performing RDS DB initialization with CloudFormation Custom Resource】 When creating an RDS resource with CloudFormation, we also want to initialize the DB (create DBs and tables, add test records, etc.).In this case, we will initializ... -
Connect Aurora Serverless from EC2/Lambda using Data API
【Enabling Aurora Serverless Data API and connecting from EC2 (AWS CLI) and Lambda (Boto3)】 The following pages cover the basics of Aurora Serverless. One of the features of... -
Aurora Serverless v1 with CFN
【Aurora Serverless v1 with CFN】 Aurora Serverless is a managed database service provided by AWS. Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand, autoscaling configuration for Amazon Aurora. It automatically starts up, shuts down, and scales ...