AWS_EN– category –
Scaling based on custom metrics (memory) – Linux
【Configuration of EC2 Auto Scaling to scale based on custom metrics】 The following page introduced a configuration that scales based on predefined metrics. -
Four Predefined Metrics for EC2 Auto Scaling Target Tracking Policy
【Configuration to check scaling based on all predefined metrics】 As an introduction to EC2 Auto Scaling, I have introduced a configuration that scales the number of instances based on CPU utilization in the following page. https://awst... -
Three target types of ALB (Instance, IP, Lambda) and Auto Scaling
【Configuration to check all target types of ALB】 There are three types of resources that can be specified as ALB targets. instanceThe targets are specified by instance ID. ipThe targets are IP addresses. lambdaThe target is a Lambda fu... -
Forwarding traffic to multiple target groups with path-based routing in ALB
【Configuration of ALB for path-based routing】 ALB supports path-based routing. If you have a listener with a default rule that forwards requests to one target group, you can add a rule that forwards requests to another target group bas... -
EC2 Auto Scaling – Target tracking scaling based on CPU utilization
【EC2 Auto Scaling - Target tracking scaling based on CPU utilization】 The following pages cover the basics of EC2 Auto Scaling. This page will revie... -
On SSL between ALB and EC2 using Self-Signed Certificate
【Configuring SSL not only between Client and ALB, but also between ALB and EC2】 In the following page, we introduced a configuration that uses an ACM certificate to SSL the communication from the Internet to the ALB. -
Ansible on Private Subnet
【Configuring instances in private subnet to run AWS-ApplyAnsiblePlaybooks document】 In the following page, we have introduced four ways to initialize process on an EC2 instance (Amazon Linux 2). -
On SSL your own domain using ACM Certificate
【Configuration to access your own domain with HTTPS using ACM certificate】 In the following page, we have introduced the configuration to access ALB using your own domain obtained with Route 53. -
Registering ALB to Route 53 and Accessing with Your Own Domain
【Configuration for Registering ALB to Route 53】 In the following page, we have introduced how to attach an EC2 instance in a private subnet to ALB. However, ... -
Introduction to SQS Data Linkage between Lambdas
【Configuring Data Linkage between Lambda using SQS】 By using SQS, you can link resources while keeping the coupling sparse. In this article, we will use SQS to link data between three Lambda functions and check the behavior of SQS. 【E...